Finally some news about the future of the Glade Festival! They are going back to their roots, with a smaller festival at a new site. There is very little information at the moment, but it was tweeted earlier today and the Facebook page has this accouncement:
GLADE FESTIVAL… IS BACK… we are so excited to tell you.. WE – ARE – BACK…. 10,11,12th June… 1.5 hours from LONDON – in English idyllic parkland!!!… SMALLER, BACK TO ITS ROOTS…. Earlybirds on sale 25th January 2011, make sure you join the mailing list for updates… SEE YOU THERE xx
When I hear more news I will post it here. I am really hoping that my lighting services will still be needed, it would be a shame not to be involved again, the first 6 years were amazing, and I really want to play with my new toys!