Oops! I almost forgot that I had a blog! Doesn’t time fly when your having fun? It’s been a good year so far, James has got back together and are on tour again. Loo and I are going to see them on the 26th April at Brixton Academy. The tickets sold very fast, we wanted to go on the Friday but it sold out within half an hour, so we settled for Thursday instead. We are going to be staying at a hotel and do some shopping the following day, should be really cool. Its been ages since I saw James, I have been like an excited teenager!
Looks like the Glade is on the weekend after it normally is. Its a rumor at the moment, but likely none the less. It happens to be Loo’s birthday that weekend, so she will be joining me this year for the Saturday, and maybe longer. I think she will have a great time!
Till The Cows Come Home is on again, 6th and 7th July. It will be better than ever, just need to work out how to have DiscoPete working on 2 gigs at the same time. I am sure we can work something out.
We will be going to Newquay for our annual camping trip at the end of June. We will be back in time for Chris and Sally’s wedding on the 30th. We are really looking forward to it.
Oh yeah, we have bought a new sofa and arm chair, and have our current pair of sofas for sale. There is a 2 seater and a smaller 2 seater. Both are cream coloured and nice and soft. The covers can be removed and washed. If anyone is interested drop me a line.