For my 30th birthday this my good friends Sy, Alan, Chris and Bex got me a £100 voucher for use at Paradise Tattoos in High Wycombe. What they didnt realise was the strange story that they have just completed.
My first tattoo was done in the same tattoo shop when it was Woody’s. Its now run by Kneill and Si. Kneill used to work in a tattoo shop in Hemel Hempstead, and he did my second tattoo on my wrist. Si used to work in Incisions, another tattoo shop in Wycombe, he did my third and fourth tattoos on my leg and shoulder. Kneill also did my fith tattoo on my neck. My sixth tattoo was done in Minehead, but was from the same sheet as my wrist, so was designed by the same artist. Now, for my seventh, I am back in the same shop as my first tattoo, and Si did the outline, and Kneil did the filling in.
Well here it is at the start, near the end and what it finally looked like.
I just wanted to say your history is interesting. Love the tattoo! I have no idea how I got to this site, but glad I did.
I`ll be checking back just to make sure your up and kicking!!What got you interested in getting so many “Tattoos”?
I must say your father is a brave man…I`am not as daring as he is..How come you did not go up or your brothers?
Take care,
Hi Zack,
I am glad you are enjoying my blog, its not that exciting, but at least you are finding enjoyment from it.
I don’t know why I got interested in tattoo’s, it must have been an impulse to begin with, but once you have that needle against your skin you find you want another one, and then another one and so on. Its such a rush, and its great having permanant designs on you…but you do have to make sure they are what you want, and that your willing to keep them all your life.
The glider flight was something my dad has mentioned before. He was very brave indeed. I have flown in a powered glider, I think it was called a chipmunk, that was whilst I was in the air cadets. I got airsick, but then I never was good at travelling.
SWEET… Kneil did some Tattoos for me when he worked in Apsley. I always wondered where he’d disappeared to! Thanks to googling only the words Kneil & tattoo, and of course your blog I now know! So off to sunny Wycombe 2moro for a catch up and discuss some ideas!
Say hi from me when you see him, its been a while since I saw him! Make sure you mention my website 🙂