New Tattoo Design – Skull Scribble by [Rich]

A couple of years ago when I met Tony from Kirituhi Tattoos to get my first Kirituhi Tattoo, I met Rich from UmeToys. He was learning from Tony, as he wanted to do tattoos as well.

Rich is a very talented illustrator, you can see his work on his Flikr account. Several of his scribbles took my fancy, they were a totally unique idea and I thought the style would make a great tattoo. I asked Rich to create me a design that included cats and were in the outline of a skull (Skulls being one of Rich’s favourite, check out his Skull-A-Day set)

This is the design he came up for me, its really great, tottally unique, and not like anything else I have already tattoo’d on me. Its plain black, no shading, so will fit in with the others. I am really happy with the design, and can’t wait to get it inked.


Posted in Tattoo.

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